You know that feeling when you find a podcast that’s so good you can’t help but deep dive the archives?
Davey & Krista’s podcast, Brands that Book, is one of those. It’s a total no-fluff zone. That’s why I was honored when Davey invited me on for a conversation about all things marketing, strategy, publicity, and tactics.

Check it out on Davey & Krista’s site, iTunes, Spotify, and other popular podcast players.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The difference between marketing tactics and strategy (and which one you need to focus on for longevity in your business.
- Why your small business not only has access to publicity, but why you need to be paying attention to those opportunities.
- Practical steps for creating a PR strategy
- Tips for pitching media outlets with your brand story
- And just… a whole lot more.
It was a good chat y’all. Real good.
Heard on the podcast
“What we fail, sometimes, to see is that there’s this great big broad umbrella that is strategy. Some people will call that marketing, some people will call that public relations, but within that you have tactics. So your blog, your Facebook ads, those are all tactics and activities. When you can understand the bigger overarching goal, then you can more quickly and nimbly move through effective tactics to meet the goals.”
And of course, you know I had to say it:
“Being a best-kept-secret is a great compliment. It’s a terrible business model.”

I am so honored that Davey invited me on the Brands That Book Podcast to talk all about creatives and how public relations—the underused, power-packed marketing tactic for today’s small business—can dramatically improve their business growth!
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